Application for Grant Funding from The San Diego Foundation

CFF partnership

Grant Summary

The San Diego Foundation has provided a grant to the Classroom of the Future Foundation in the amount of $500,000 for the purpose of “Supporting San Diegans in need as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.” This grant is made in support of the Classroom of the Future Foundation COVID-19 Public Education Response Fund to address the digital equity gap that is halting access to education for San Diego County students in the wake of COVID-19.

Grant Deliverables

  • Support approximately 19,000 San Diego County students with a focus on the highest-need districts in North, East, and South County and vulnerable populations including students enrolled in Juvenile Court & Community Schools, migrant education, and those with special education needs.
  • Provide mobile hotspots with connectivity for three months, with priority to families with two or more students
    in the home.
  • Facilitate low-cost broadband access for three months, with priority to the highest-need families with two or more students in the home.
  • Provide Chromebooks to 250 students from tribal communities in rural school districts.

Application for Grant Funds

  • Complete the online application form below by our deadline of Friday, July 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

Application Review Process

  • Our committee will review all applications by Friday, August 21, 2020.
  • Applications will be prioritized by families with the highest need, based on Free or Reduced Price Meal (FRPM) data.
  • Priority will also be given to families with two or more students in the home.
  • Distribution of connectivity and device solutions will be provided through our partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education.


  • Please provide anticipated or forecasted numbers for Fall 2020.

    SUBMITTER: Your Name*

    SUBMITTER: Your Email*


    CHARTER (if applicable):

    TECH CONTACT: Primary contact regarding technology needs at your district (Name and email)*


    PERCENTAGE: What percentage of students in your district currently have devices that will support distance learning?*

    NEEDS: Please describe the current need for computing devices students need to support a distance-learning environment* (eg. "We need 24 Chromebooks or tablets for student home use")

    CHROMEBOOKS: Please describe the current need by tribal communities in rural area of our district* (eg. "15 students from tribal communities need Chromebooks")


    PERCENTAGE: What percentage of students in your district currently have connectivity in their home to support a distance-learning environment?*

    NEEDS: Please describe the current need for student-connectivity needs to support a distance-learning environment* (eg. "14 students have no internet access at home")

    BROADBAND: Please estimate the number of students that live in an area with access to broadband service from Cox or Spectrum* (eg. "8 of 14 students will need access via broadband")

    HOTSPOT: Please estimate the number of students that live in an area WITHOUT broadband access and will need a mobile hotspot* (eg. "6 of 14 students will need access via hotspot")


    REQUESTED AMOUNT: Please specify the requested amount of funds that you need to utilize, match, subsidize, or distribute for connectivity and devices related to distance learning.


    FRPM (Free or Reduced Priced Meals): Please provide the FRPM percentage/data for your district*

    STUDENTS PER HOUSEHOLD: If your district is designated for funds, how will you provide data to prioritize families with two or more students in the home?* (This will assist with providing the greatest impact in terms of number of students served by the grant)

    ADDITIONAL INFO: Please provide any additional information that will help us in the application review process (optional)

    * Required fields

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